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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4215 ..


As well, in the 1996-97 Budget, additional funding of $45,000 was provided for the secondment of a mental health nurse to the Belconnen Remand Centre.

A long overdue review of child and adolescent mental health programs in the ACT will also be conducted in response to concerns that services are fragmented across agencies and inadequately resourced.

As part of moving ahead, major changes will also take place within the ACT Mental Health Services, under the guidance of the new Executive Director, Mr Richard Clarke.

Mr Clarke was formerly the Director of Mental Health Services for the Southern Tablelands Health Service and Manager of Kenmore Hospital at Goulburn.

He was responsible for developing innovative community-based mental health programs in NSW and Victoria between 1992 and 1996.

One of the challenges the new Executive Director has accepted is that of restructuring the organisation in line with the key recommendations of the Mental Health Services Review completed in July this year.

Mr Clarke has agreed to provide the ACT Government with a directions statement for the Services in early 1997 after he has had the opportunity to consult with staff, clients and the non-government sector.

Under the new arrangements, policy development, planning and service purchasing will become the responsibility of the Department of Health and Community Care.

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