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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4212 ..


However in May 1996 the Gianfrancesco Report, which examined the structure and functions of the Crisis Team, recommended that the Team broaden its role from being simply that of an admission assessment service.

The Government strongly supports this recommendation.

The role of the Team will now be refocussed to provide community based crisis intervention and acute psychiatric treatment as well as assessment for acute admission.

This enhanced role will allow the Crisis Team to deliver services in line with similar teams in other states, especially NSW and Victoria.

The ACT Government is also developing an implementation plan for the provision of accommodation services in Canberra, as recommended in the `Purdon' Review carried out in 1995.

It addresses issues such as the need for increased levels and resourcing of community-based, supported accommodation; the investigation of a `step down' facility for people discharged from hospital; the need for increased respite services; and the provision of different levels of supported accommodation.

To support these strategic directions, we will also review a series of other reports on ACT services which were funded under the National Mental Health Strategy.

The various recommendations will be examined and, where appropriate, implemented.

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