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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4140 ..

. The Chief Minister's Department currently occupies four floors in FAI House and offices in ACTAC. Mixed container recycling facilities exist in both of these buildings.

. The Department of Education and Training and Children's Youth and Family Services Bureau currently does not have facilities for mixed container recycling in offices. However, it is being established in schools at a cost of $4.00 per bin using BFI to service the bins.

. The Attorney-General's Department has offices in GlO House, Callam Offices, the Belconnen Remand centre and Allara House. It is proposed to add a clause to the existing cleaning contract to install mixed container recycling.

. The Department of Health and Community Care does not have mixed container recycling in place in the hospital or in Moore Street offices. Mixed container recycling is available for staff (in Health only) in North Building, and in Scullin where Health Protection Service is location.

(b) A recent Waste Audit of Macarthur House revealed that approximately 70% of the waste generated was recyclable. The other 30% was predominantly paper which is already recycled. The survey indicated that an average of 32 tonnes per annum of waste would go to landfill without any recycling programs. The audit revealed that with recycling, this figure could be reduced to 5.4 tonnes per annum, representing a significant drop in the potential waste going to landfill. A campaign to encourage staff to recycle proficiently will be carried out in 1996/97 and a further audit conducted to assess the campaign's effectiveness.

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