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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4128 ..

Mr De Domenico: Haven't you had enough drubbings today?

MS TUCKER: My goodness, Mr Speaker; they interject even when you are saying complimentary things.

MR SPEAKER: I am listening, Ms Tucker.

MS TUCKER: Maybe you could pass this on to Mr Humphries. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Attorney-General for taking a strong stand on this issue with the Federal Attorney-General. It is, indeed, a critical social justice issue, and it was one of the most appalling aspects of the Federal budget, although there was a lot of competition for that prize. I hope the ACT will never have to take up the option Mr Humphries has outlined in his letter, of setting up a separate legal aid commission for the ACT, because I think it would pose significant problems. I do think it is good that there is such a strong commitment from all members of this place about the importance of fighting this unacceptable and unjust decision.

Proposed expenditure agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Maintenance of Law and Order, $56,415,000 - agreed to.

Part 15 - Emergency Services Bureau

Proposed expenditure - Emergency Services Bureau, $17,974,000 - agreed to.

Part 16 - Department of Education and Training

Proposed expenditure - Government Schooling, $232,976,000

MS McRAE (2.54 am): I cannot let this go by.

Mr Hird: We will be disappointed.

MS McRAE: No, I do not want to support this budget. The problems with the education budget were quite straightforward and many.

Mr De Domenico: Too much money in it!

MS McRAE: We have already seen that preschools have had to revert to full-time management - - -

Mrs Carnell: You are not suggesting that we are not spending enough?

Mr Whitecross: Mr De Domenico suggested a cut. He wants to cut it.

MS McRAE: I am sure he does. It would help his budget a lot. Preschool arrangements had to be changed, and we find out, thanks to a bit of earnest questioning at Estimates Committee hearings, that North Ainslie is now going full time and so is Turner,

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