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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4002 ..

Mrs Carnell: But we are not, and you were quite happy to give it to the union.

MR BERRY: You are giving it to MBA Group Training. You have already given them $75,000.

Mr Osborne: No, they have not. Mrs Carnell said they have not.

MR BERRY: No; Mrs Carnell said, "Not one dollar". She meant that really it is $75,000: "We are not going to give them one dollar. We are going to give them $75,000". She was not wrong. She was not misleading us at all.

Mrs Carnell: That is to the training people, not to the MBA as an organisation.

MR BERRY: Indeed. That is the MBA training fund. Mrs Carnell just interjected that it is not to the MBA as an organisation; it is to the training fund. What you said, Mrs Carnell, was, "There is no money, not one dollar, going to the MBA training fund". That is what you said.

Mrs Carnell: It goes to the group, the tripartite group.

MR BERRY: The contract would be between your Government and MBA Group Training. Mr De Domenico's letter says it.

Mrs Carnell: We changed it. We told you that.

MR BERRY: Mr De Domenico's letter says that the contract will be between the Government and MBA Group Training. Let us stop kidding ourselves here. This legislation is about underpinning an organisation that is in trouble with its funding. Mrs Carnell says, "Let us give it a go. Let us take the risk". Mrs Carnell is great about taking risks with somebody else's money but not with her own.

Mr De Domenico: You took the risk with VITAB, mate. Look where that ended up.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Ignore the interjections, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: He interjects about VITAB. Yes, it ended in the taxpayers' backyard because you put it there.

Mr De Domenico: Because you botched it, and then you were chucked out because you did the same thing - - -

MR BERRY: Because you put it there.

MR SPEAKER: Order! The house will come to order. Mr De Domenico, stop interjecting.

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