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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (20 November) . . Page.. 3890 ..

MR STEFANIAK (continuing):

in relation not only to the Charnwood High School site but to the whole suburb of Charnwood, including the public housing, which I am responsible for, and for which we have announced in the budget $500,000 for a pilot project. So, you might like to look at a positive there.

In terms of the former Charnwood High School, my colleague Mr De Domenico tells me that the meeting last night was very positive and that people are pretty happy. As you, yourself, initially mentioned in your long, rambling and occasionally-interjected-to question, there were a number of things there which the community really wanted considered and which certainly were considered.

Ms McRae: You did not tell them about the licensed club.

MR STEFANIAK: Here she goes. Mr Speaker, Mr De Domenico, on 20 November - this morning - announced that the Government will seek formal tenders for the site of the former Charnwood High School in two parcels. One parcel will be developed to enhance existing community and education uses through, for example, the licensed club, associated office, retail, medical centre, childminding and sports use, with the other parcel being zoned for housing. Tenders will be accepted for the purchase of one or both parcels. The Government expects the sale to be completed early in the new year. The sale will be conditional on the completion of any necessary variations to the Territory Plan, which will require formal public consultation. I will read that again. The sale will be conditional on the completion of any necessary variations to the Territory Plan, which will require formal consultation. However, community use could commence immediately after the successful tenderer is announced.

It does not surprise me in the slightest, from Mr De Domenico's comments to me, that the meeting last night was positive and that people were very supportive. It does mean, Mr Berry, that, unless there is some way that you lot can stuff this up, there is going to be community use. There are going to be, from my knowledge of what occurred in relation to the high school site and the expressions of interest, some very good local expressions of interest from local people and local clubs who want to get involved there. These are some very useful things for the Charnwood community. I understand that a number of people in the Charnwood community belong to the clubs that are involved.

Ms McRae: Why did you not tell them? Answer the question.

MR STEFANIAK: You are worried about this, because you lot did nothing. You sat on the Holder High School site. We had to fix that one up. This is another case of you lot doing absolutely nothing. You are dreadful. Now you have the temerity and the cheek to come here and try to criticise this Government, which is at least trying to do something for the community. What absolute hypocrites! Do you think people have such short memories? Of course they have not. Really, you are unbelievable.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, I have a supplementary question. I know that I may not use the word "little" any more when I speak, but I can now use "stuffed up" or "crap". That is all right.

MR SPEAKER: No, you cannot.

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