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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (19 November) . . Page.. 3806 ..

MR WHITECROSS (continuing):

After paragraph (5) add the following paragraph:

"and (6) calls on the ACT Government to:

(a) table the 1995 Update Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Deaths in Custody;

(b) report to the Assembly on current Access & Equity policies for ACT Government services;

(c) report to the Assembly on the progress towards developing an ACT Languages Policy;

(d) report to the Assembly on measures in place to provide cross cultural awareness training to employees in the ACT Government Services including nurses, teachers, police and other public contact staff.".

Mr Speaker, the amendment sets out what I think are some fairly uncontroversial actions that we can take to practically demonstrate our commitment to the principles set out in this motion. Reporting on our implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody is part of our practical demonstration that we have an ongoing commitment to the process of reconciliation. Mrs Carnell has indicated that she intends to do that next month, and I am pleased to hear it.

The amendment calls on the Government to report to the Assembly on current access and equity policies for ACT government services. That is another way that we can demonstrate that we in the ACT are truly committed to ensuring that people of diverse backgrounds, diverse languages, cultures, races, religions, genders, et cetera, can access ACT government services. Once again, that is not a controversial policy. The amendment calls for a report on progress towards developing a languages policy. We have heard from the Government a number of steps along this path of recognising people from other language backgrounds. A comprehensive languages policy would help show to the public the ACT Government's and the ACT Assembly's commitment to truly ensuring that Canberrans have full access to the Territory's social, political and economic life regardless of their language background. Mr Speaker, the amendment also calls for a report to the Assembly on measures in place to provide cross-cultural awareness training to employees in the ACT Government Service, including nurses, teachers, police and other public contact staff, to ensure that we provide the best possible level of service and the most understanding level of service to people regardless of their background.

Mr Speaker, many of these things, I am sure, are already being done; but, at a time when questions are being raised about the direction in which this country is going to go, it is all the more important that we remind people of the practical ways in which we are going about ensuring that Canberra is a tolerant and fair society, one which grants to all

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