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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (26 September) . . Page.. 3683 ..
Of course operational policy needs to be updated and reviewed regularly to keep up with changing circumstances and this process is now established in the Disability Program
I also mentioned that opportunities for better staff training have been developed because the skills and attitudes of all our staff are a vital component in the provision of quality support services.
For example, the curriculum for the new Developmental and Disability Studies Traineeships has a strong focus on the development of skills and knowledge which will enable support workers to effectively manage client health related issues.
These subjects include Working in a Home Environment, Perspectives on Health and Illness, The Idea of Health and Occupational Health and Safety.
The Disability Program also places a high priority on better occupational health and safety, and has an active OH&S Consultative Committee with regional representation.
The emphasis on better client outcomes is also reflected in changes to staff role statements, which now include a duty of maintaining a healthy and safe home environment for clients.
All Disability Program clients now have an Individual Program Plan, which is developed in partnership between the Program, the client and their family or guardian.
These Plans are regularly reviewed to ensure that they meet current client needs and are achieving real outcomes.
There is more consistent use of Individual Program Plans, especially in the areas of skill development and behaviour management. This enables clients to learn new things, to improve their self-esteem, to grow in independence and to become more involved in their local community.
All residents now visit their own GP and are given the opportunity to develop a positive doctor-patient relationship with someone who suits their individual circumstances and with whom they feel comfortable.
This is a considerable improvement on the old days where regular `clinics' were held for residents of institutions who had no say in choosing either their doctor, their treatment or even whether they actually needed a medical appointment at all.
Mr Speaker, another major change that is occurring under this government has been a move towards individual funding packages for people with disabilities.
These packages move funding away from supporting the infrastructure of service providers to direct support for individuals by allowing them to maximise the level of control they have over who, how and when services are provided.
The Government has recently commissioned a review of the Individual Support Package program and we will be working with individuals and service providers to improve this innovative funding program.
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