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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (26 September) . . Page.. 3666 ..


having regard to the frequent exchange of documents between Governments.

Clause 5 of the Bill changes the name of the Tribunal by omitting the appellation "Australian Capital Territory" as part of the name of the Tribunal as this is no longer appropriate. Clause 6 will adopt the procedure in subsection 41A of the Supreme Court Act for the extension of the term of office of a member of the Tribunal. This will make for the more convenient and efficient administration of the AAT by obviating the need to go through the statutory requirements such as a further oath or affirmation before performing the duties of office.

The substance of the AAT Regulations, with modification as appropriate, will be included in the amended AAT Act. This enables the AAT Regulations, as they stand, to be repealed by clause 39 of the Bill with the benefit that the law relating to the Tribunal will be contained in the one enactment. However, the power to make regulations is preserved.

The other amendments to be effected by the Bill are of a machinery or technical nature and do not involve

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