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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (26 September) . . Page.. 3613 ..

that staff be trained in working together, that they develop a very clear understanding of the organisational requirements, and that they agree on directions and priorities. The workshop examined the Department's vision, values, direction, and objectives within the framework of the Australian Quality Awards Assessment Criteria, and began development of the Corporate Plan. Training and development was also aimed at the practical application of continuous quality improvement and customer service, as a catalyst for cultural and organisational change within the Department.

(b) The Workshop was attended by: Chief Executive Officer; Executive Directors x 3; SOG B's x 16; Executive Director, ACT Community Care; Senior Executive, The Canberra Hospital; SOG C, Organisation Improvement Group; ASO 4, Organisation Improvement Group (scribe & admin support); and Consultants/Facilitators x 2. Due to the privacy rights of the staff involved, the names cannot be provided.

(c) Travel - staff "carpooled" to and from Bungendore using a combination of SES/government cars and private vehicles. There was no additional travel costs incurred.

Accommodation & meals $7,915.00

(This included 21 staff in residence, plus the extra

cost of people attending during the day and/or for


Phone calls (official only as mobile phones ineffective) 36.00

Photocopying 63.00

Additional Equipment Hire 110.00

Consultants Fees 9,400.00

Total $17.524.00

Drinks and cost of private ph one calls were the responsibility of the individual participants.

Cost of the Workshop was funded by savings within the Central Department from the non-filling of positio ns within the Organisation Improvement Group. The attendance of a representative from each of The Canberra Hospital and ACT Community Care was paid for by the Department. There was no cost to the Executive budget.

(d) Consideration was given to holding this Workshop in ACT Government premises. However, to be able to focus on the team building and planning processes without interruptions, it was agreed it would be more beneficial to meet away from the vicinity of the normal working environment. The previous government used out-of-Canberra venues regularly for similar corporate training sessions.

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