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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (26 September) . . Page.. 3594 ..

The Assistant Under Treasurer ATTACHMENT B
Financial Services
ACT Treasury


I hereby state that I am a holder of an ACT Government Corporate Credit Card and that I understand and agree that:



1. I will not use the ACTCCC, nor permit it to be used, for other than official purposes .........

2. I will not use my ACTCCC to draw cash or its equivalent; .........

3. I will not permit the ACTCCC to be used in any way by any other person; .........

4. I agree not to exceed the Credit Card Limit of $...............

5. I may only use the ACTCCC for purchasing or to pay for the following supplies/services:.............................................................................................................


6. I will keep a record of all transactions, including full details of telephone/faxed orders; .........

7. I undertake to forward the originals of all invoices and other documentation to my Supervisor for verification and attachment to the relevant claim for payment; .........

8. I will not pay any cheques/moneys into my individual (ACTCCC) Credit Card Account. All payments for transactions against my Credit Card billing statements will be effected through established official processes; .........

9. I will ensure that all payments will relate to the State Bank monthly billings statements. No payments will be made in advance of the State Bank Billing statement being received by me. .........

10. If the ACTCCC is lost or stolen I undertake to report it immediately to State Bank (local call charge only) on 13 1818. I will also inform my Supervisor, as well as the Co-ordinator, Credit Card Services, ACT Treasury or if unavailable, send the Assistant Director an immediate Fax Message. .........

11. I agree that I will read the "Guidelines for Holders of ACT Government Credit Card (ACTCCC), and their Supervisors" copy of which has been given to me today. .........

12. If I misuse the card (ie use it otherwise than in accordance with the Guidelines referred to above which have been given to me), I acknowledge awareness that legal proceedings may be instituted against me, and if found guilty, I may be liable for a fine, imprisonment, or both. Consequently I may also be dismissed from Public Service. .........

13. Even if requested by State Bank to do so, I hereby agree that I will not take delivery of renewal Corporate Credit Card direct from the Bank. .........

....................................................... ..................................................

Signature of ACTCCC Card Holder Signature of Witness

Name of Witness.......................................

Date:.................................. Date:.........................................

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