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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (26 September) . . Page.. 3560 ..
Question No. 299
Public Service - Industrial Relations Consultants
In relation to Gazette No 26 of 3 July 1996, in which it is stated that a consulting firm, Clayton Utz (the Consultant), provided professional services in relation to the industrial campaign at a cost of $60,000.00.
(1) What was the professional services provided by the Consultant.
(2) Why were these services not able to be provided by the ACT Public Service.
(3) What was (a) the date, and (b) the duration which the consultant was engaged.
(4) Where was the consultant located.
(5) How was the fee schedule calculated.
(6) Has the Consultant's fee been fully paid
(7) Did the Consultant submit written advice or a written report and can you provide a copy of any written advice or report provided.
(8) Which Department or Agency engaged the Consultant.
(9) Will this Consultancy be reported in this Agency's annual report.
MS CARNELL - The answer to the Member's question is as follows:
(1) Clayton Utz provided legal advisory and advocacy services to the ACT Government during the recent round of enterprise bargaining negotiations.
(2) These services are not available from within the ACT Public Service. While officers have handled most advocacy matters before the IRC in the past, there were complex legal issues under the Industrial Relations Act on which experienced legal advice was necessary.
(3) February - June 1996.
(4) Canberra
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