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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (25 September) . . Page.. 3399 ..

MS HORODNY: It is an issue to do with blue-green algae, Mr De Domenico. If you do not understand the link, perhaps you should get one of your researchers to do a little bit of research on the topic. You might then understand the connections. As I said, the Jerrabomberra Wetlands is an area that is very important to the ACT. It is our only significant urban wetland at this stage. We have a regular visitor to that wetland from Japan. You would be very interested in that, Mr De Domenico. Latham's snipe is a migratory bird that comes to the Jerrabomberra Wetlands every year, and we should be honoured and delighted to host a migratory wetland bird that comes all the way from Japan.

Mr De Domenico: I am very happy to host all birds that come out from Japan, Ms Horodny.

MS HORODNY: Good. I think you should be very careful about threatening their habitat by allowing noisy, smelly, polluting rallies around that particular area of the lake or, indeed, any part of our lakes.

The other issue that needs to be debated here is the issue of elite sports, car rallies. Really, do we not have any more creativity in this Government than rallies, these smelly, polluting events that are supposed to bring huge numbers of tourists to the ACT? There are a lot of innovative ideas, Mr De Domenico, on bringing tourists to Canberra to participate in events and activities and functions that are clean, that are protecting the environment.

Mr De Domenico: Name one. No paintball, no car rallies, no blue milk bottle tops, no cars, no trucks. Get real.

MS HORODNY: Okay; let us talk about the solar car rally. Why is Mrs Carnell very keen to get into a rally car? She is not interested - - -

Mr De Domenico: Come down to earth a bit.

MS HORODNY: Mr Speaker, I wonder whether you could ask Mr De Domenico to be quiet.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Ms Horodny has the floor.

Mr De Domenico: She keeps asking me questions, Mr Speaker. I am just doing the courteous thing and responding.

MS HORODNY: I will just have to yell louder, Mr De Domenico.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Ms Horodny has the floor.

MS HORODNY: There is still an opportunity for this Government to support the solar car rally; but no, this Government shows no interest in that. Obviously, those cars are just not fast enough for you. They do not create enough noise. In fact, they are absolutely quiet, so you obviously would not be interested in something like that. They do not destroy and decimate areas in the same way that the petrol car rally does.

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