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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (25 September) . . Page.. 3378 ..

Mr Berry: He has said most of it. He has answered the question. I will give you the supplementary question.

MR SPEAKER: Mr De Domenico is the best judge of that at the moment.

MR DE DOMENICO: Mr Speaker, I refer you to standing order 202(a).

MR SPEAKER: Sit down, Mr Berry. You will have a chance to ask your supplementary question shortly, I have no doubt.

MR DE DOMENICO: Mr Speaker, whilst the other mob over the other side did nothing about it, this Government at least introduced the Can It Squad, introduced all sorts of issues and has cleaned over 700 graffiti sites already. Whilst this mob again talked about it and talked about it for four years and did nothing about it, this Government is prepared to spend $700,000 to make sure that 60 young persons get full-time or part-time jobs. This mob opposite over here are attacking publicly - - -

Mr Moore: How many full-time jobs?

MR DE DOMENICO: And so is Mr Moore. Mr Moore would prefer to have no part-time jobs at all, by the way Mr Moore's rhetoric is going. This Government is prepared to stand up, Mr Speaker, and say that we are quite proud of the fact that we will provide part-time jobs or full-time jobs to 60 young people who currently are not employed.

MR SPEAKER: Do you have a supplementary question, Mr Berry?

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, Mr De Domenico may have inadvertently misled the Assembly. I draw his attention to Budget Paper No. 5. It says:

It is proposed that up to 60 part time jobs be created at a cost of $700,000.

Either he does not know or he has misled the Assembly. I just give him the opportunity to apologise for misleading the Assembly. Do you want to apologise?

Mr De Domenico: No. That was your supplementary question.

MR BERRY: No, it was not.

MR SPEAKER: Was that your supplementary question?

MR BERRY: I will do that later. My supplementary question, Mr Speaker, is: How was the figure of 60 new jobs arrived at? Can you confirm - and this, I think, is getting a bit close to the bone - that the number 60 was chosen to create a little headline for Mrs Carnell, even though this scheme will not create real jobs for the 50 per cent of young people who are out there looking for work and cannot find any?

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