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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (25 September) . . Page.. 3345 ..

Mr Berry: Well, we will decide, if you like. I will seek leave to move the motion, if you like. This is outrageous.

Mr Moore: To move dissent from the Speaker's ruling. Yes, you can have leave.

MR SPEAKER: As Speaker, I will not be offended.

Mr Berry: You people do not have the guts to vote on a motion. You want the Speaker to make the decision for you. You are as weak as water.

Mr Humphries: That is not true. If you want to move your motion after this, go right ahead. We will give you leave to bring on the motion.

Mr Moore: You will have leave if you want to move dissent from the ruling.

Mr Berry: I seek leave to move a motion of dissent from the Speaker's ruling.

MR SPEAKER: Ms McRae will need to move her amendment first, so that I can rule it out of order.

MS McRAE: But I am not allowed to move it. I cannot. You have just ruled it out of order. I cannot move it. Mr Speaker, with the greatest of respect, you have just said that I cannot move it.

Mr Kaine: The decision is taken. Let us get on with the debate.

Mrs Carnell: If you do not move it he cannot rule it out of order; so, we are fine.

MS McRAE: He has just ruled it out of order, may I point out to the Assembly. I cannot move it. It has been ruled out of order.

MR SPEAKER: Then, on a technicality, we will proceed with Mr Moore's motion.

Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, I am sorry to sort of change sides, but I would have thought that if you have ruled, as you have, that Ms McRae's proposed amendment is out of order there is now a ruling on which a member can seek leave to move dissent if he or she wants to.

Mr Moore: You ruled that her foreshadowed amendment was out of order. She can move dissent from that.

MS McRAE: The leave that Mr Berry was seeking - on a point of order, Mr Speaker - was leave to move a motion of dissent from your ruling that my amendment could not be put. That is what Mr Berry was doing.

MR SPEAKER: Very well, if we wish to put it that way.

Debate interrupted.

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