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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (24 September) . . Page.. 3314 ..

MRS CARNELL (continuing):

An Environment Protection Bill to be introduced later this year will bring together previously separate pieces of legislation covering air, water, noise and ozone issues into one integrated approach. The Bill will also bring the management of hazardous material under legislative control for the first time.

This year, a further $500,000 has been allocated to continue the successful energy management program. This program reduces energy consumption in government buildings by installing automatic light controls, more efficient heating, ventilation and air-conditioning programs and replacing inefficient boiler units. A total of $728,000 has been made available in this budget for weed control, including an additional $150,000 for the control of woody weeds in Canberra Nature Park. I think it was because Lucy told you to.

Mr Humphries: That is right.

MRS CARNELL: I would have to say that was a good idea. The Government will be finalising the bicycle strategy in 1997. This strategy aims to create a safer on- and off-road cycling network, ensure that cycling is accepted as a legitimate road use, and more effectively target Government spending on cycling. The ACT's high-quality and extensive off-road cyclepaths total some 940 kilometres and this year the Government has allocated $686,000 to upgrade the system. Other environmental initiatives are detailed in Budget Paper No. 3.

As part of our financial management reforms, the Government has been able for the first time to produce a statement of financial position which discloses the assets and liabilities of the Territory. The net worth of the Territory's assets is $7 billion, or about $23,000 for every resident of the ACT. This compares with about $15,000 per person in Queensland and $11,000 in New South Wales. This Government is developing a comprehensive asset management strategy which will ensure that all assets owned by the Territory's taxpayers are providing the best possible return. It places the ACT at the forefront of modern public sector management.

The Government has already sold and leased back the ACT vehicle fleet, which netted the Territory $26m and led to savings of approximately $200,000 a year in costs. We will now shortly be seeking to enter into a similar sale and lease-back arrangement for the Territory's public bus fleet and heavy commercial truck and major plant operated by the Department of Urban Services. Macarthur House is to be sold and leased back. The new ACT Magistrates Court will also be leased by the Government, but we will retain permanent ownership of this important building. These initiatives will free up significant capital and negate the need for any new borrowings. Indeed, they will also allow for debt to be retired this year. If anyone thinks we are selling off the family silver, consider this: Under our strategy, the planned end-of-year position for 1996-97 will now be a reduction of only $24m in net assets, which represents less than one-third of one per cent of our total net assets.

Mr Whitecross: In case anyone thinks we are selling off the family silver, there will be fewer assets. That is very reassuring! I feel a lot better now!

Mr De Domenico: One-third of one per cent.

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