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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 10 Hansard (5 September) . . Page.. 3264 ..

(Page 5 of 6)

The Commissioner has since advised me that the committee has settled on terms of reference that are closely based on the Assembly's resolution and I table these now for members' information.

Second, the committee will confirm that the Commissioner's report of his investigation addresses the approved terms of reference.

Of course, committee members will also be invited to make individual submissions as part of the Commissioner's investigation.

I now intend to issue a formal direction to the Commissioner passing on the approved terms of reference and directing him to conduct an investigation in accordance with his powers under the Commissioner for the Environment Act 1993, and specifically, to:

1. conduct an investigation consistent with the finalised terms
of reference;

2. advertise and seek written and/or oral submissions from the
community at large;

3. seek information and submissions from each of the members of the
steering committee;

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