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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 10 Hansard (5 September) . . Page.. 3258 ..


The processes for DA's and BA's did not stop with their introduction on 1 July. They are subject to a continuous improvement program as steps are refined and, especially as PALM investigates new computer systems. Each officer in PALM can feed into this continuous improvement process and have their ideas

PALM is benchmarking these processes against best practice elsewhere in
Australia and, as has been reported, the ACT is in the forefront.

I remind Members there are other processes in the planning and land management field which will be integrated in a similar manner. These include the way we make changes to the Territory Plan; how new sites are selected for community and commercial activities; and how the process for planning new greenfields developments can be streamlined.

It is an exciting time and I should acknowledge to the Assembly my appreciation of the dedication and commitment shown by the staff of the Planning and Land Management Group to implement this exciting and progressive series
of initiatives.

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