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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 10 Hansard (5 September) . . Page.. 3250 ..


In June 1995 I spoke in the Assembly of reforms I wished to achieve in the Territory's planning and land management approval processes. I sought four
milestones -

1. to introduce integrated processes for development and building approvals;

2. to overhaul cumbersome appeals mechanisms;

3. to instigate a strategic review of planning for the ACT; and

4. to trial for 12 months the model of Local Area Planning Advisory

Committees (LAPAC's).

With the enthusiastic assistance of officers in my Department and other agencies, who are committed to reform, the first milestone was met on 1 July 1996; the second initiative on appeals is on the legislative agenda for later this Session; the third step is occurring now with finalisation of the National Capital Beyond 2000 Study and I will be speaking to the Assembly about Beyond 2000 in October. The LAPAC trial is now being evaluated and I expect to receive the results in October.

Members may know that one of Australia's most influential businessmen, Mr Ken Baxter, national director of accountancy firm KPMG and the most senior bureaucrat under the NSW Carr Labor Government, recently highlighted that

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