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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 10 Hansard (4 September) . . Page.. 3068 ..
MR BERRY: I have concluded my contribution, Mr Speaker.
MR SPEAKER: Yes, I understand that you have, Mr Berry. I simply remind members of what I said at the beginning of this question time and the concluding point. I will sit the member down or withdraw the leave granted by the Chair to make a personal explanation if I believe that it is getting beyond the bounds of a personal explanation.
MR BERRY: I accept that.
MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, on 20 June, in a question about greenhouse gas emissions, Ms Horodny asked me how close the ACT is to meeting the target contained in the ACT greenhouse strategy. I partly answered that question, but I also took part of it on notice. As I stated in my response on that day, there are no explicit targets set in the ACT greenhouse strategy. As a participant in the national greenhouse response strategy, ratified by all Australian governments in December 1992, the ACT is committed to an action plan intended to meet the agreed national planning targets established in light of Australia's decision to sign the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. These changes aim to stabilise greenhouse gas emissions, based on 1988 levels, by the year 2000 and to reduce them by 20 per cent by the year 2005, subject to Australia not unilaterally implementing measures that would give an adverse economic impact or reduce trade competitiveness. The national greenhouse response strategy is currently being reviewed by an intergovernmental working group on which the ACT is represented. I understand that national planning targets are also subject to review in the light of the release of the national greenhouse gas inventory and other developments.
MR HUMPHRIES (Attorney-General and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (3.54): Mr Speaker, for the information of members, I present the following papers:
ACT weeds strategy -
A 10-year strategy for implementing a coordinated program for controlling weeds in the ACT.
Priority weed control program for spring-summer 1996.
I move:
That the Assembly takes note of the papers.
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