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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 10 Hansard (4 September) . . Page.. 3024 ..

MR HIRD (continuing):

I understand that ACTION is running a debt to the tune of $52m per annum. This Government, wisely and correctly, has taken up the challenge to correct this debt and to bring about some equity not only in the financial arena but also in services to the people of Belconnen. To that end, we are streamlining bus services, as happened under the Follett Government. Mr Lamont, when he was Minister, made some alterations. I recall them very well, but I did not hear a word or a murmur from Mr Berry at that time. He was in government, and he was not about to disagree with his colleagues in government. Mr Berry, from time to time I disagree with my colleagues and get results for my electorate. It is easy to mouth cheap words, but at the end of the day we need results for the people of Collingrove Court. We need results for those elderly people and we need the service. As I said, the fact is that the service is changing from 409 to 407. It has changed previously under different governments.

I am interested that Mr Berry should represent himself as an advocate for small business. On the one hand, he says that he wants small business to have bus services, which they are getting. He is wrong when he says that they are not getting them. On the other hand, by supporting 24-hour trading in the large centres he has challenged the right of small business to employ people and to be able to operate in the small centres. He has challenged that in this place. At least this Government is trying to come to grips with a problem which it was given and to come up with answers so that the small business operator in the smaller centres is not denied a service and is not denied the opportunity of making a living for his family. Such a person should be able to operate in a responsible manner, knowing that both financial services and bus services for the clients coming into those centres are available at a very affordable rate to the ratepayers and taxpayers of this Territory.

Mr De Domenico, through his department and Mr Flutter, the executive director of ACTION buses, has come up with a proposal to introduce an off-peak shopping service. That once again shows this Government's commitment to assist the users of the public transport service and small business in all centres. I believe that Mr Berry is very similar to the emperor who wore no clothes. He is using as a political football - - -

Mr Kaine: Do you mean he is a nude footballer?

MR HIRD: A nude footballer. He thinks he has clothes on but he does not. The fact is that Mr Berry is using senior citizens, elderly constituents, as a political football. Shame on him! He has only just found out that there are problems in the Belconnen area. This is just one. Mr Berry, why is it that you did not take up the issue raised earlier this year in the same area? Mr Stefaniak and I were approached by some senior citizens in respect of the off-peak bus arrangements, and we sorted the problem out. As a local member, why did you not go to the Minister and resolve the problem? I am certain that Mr De Domenico would have said, "It is a change in number from 409 to 407". Wayne, ask and you will get a sensible answer. Wayne, this Government is determined to do the hard yards. This Government is also determined to make certain that we get back into the black.

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