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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 10 Hansard (4 September) . . Page.. 3012 ..

Mr De Domenico: I still believe that that should be the case; but I withdraw, in deference to you, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr De Domenico. Let us get on with the motion, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: You are a joke!

MR SPEAKER: Order! Do not be provocative.

MR BERRY: You are a joke! Mr Speaker, here we are demonstrating that the Government's own ACTION was setting up to cut bus services to Kippax from eight suburbs and in particular was taking away the service from outside the door of a group of aged persons units in Scullin.

Mr De Domenico: That is scaremongering nonsense, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Ms McRae: Settle down, Mr De Domenico.

Mr De Domenico: I am settled, Ms McRae.

Ms McRae: Settle down. You are just biased.

Mr De Domenico: They are your constituents.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Please cease interjections from either side of the chamber.

Mr De Domenico: And they will vote accordingly next time around, believe you me, Ms McRae.

MR SPEAKER: Mr De Domenico, I am talking to you as well.

MR BERRY: What has been proven is that a bit of community action can swing this Government away. That group of aged people mounted a campaign and fought it very hard, and they were able to swing this Government away from its decision to cut out the route to Kippax from Scullin. There is no question about that. I think those old people are to be congratulated.

I was happy a week or so ago to launch a petition because of anxiety amongst small business people at Kippax Fair. Small business people, if you listened to the rhetoric of the Liberals opposite, would be represented by the Liberals. These people were quite angry about the fact that eight suburbs were going to have their feeder routes from that shopping centre cut by the Liberal Government that claims to represent small business. All of those business people where I dropped the petitions off were very happy to collect signatures, because they want to protect their businesses. They are also very concerned about the people who use their businesses, their customers. The small business people and the customers are deeply concerned about what this Government has set out to do.

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