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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 9 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2879 ..

(5) What are the names of the officers (a) who were appointed to SES/Executive Officer positions from outside the ACT Public Service; and (b) in each case , who was the officer's immediate past employer.

Mark Baker Department of Business, the Arts, Advance Bank, Canberra

Sport and Tourism

Gregory Burgess Department of Urban services Cth. Dept. of Admin. Services

Robert Cusack Department of Health Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Tim Keady Attorney General's Department NSW Ministry of Police

Gordon LeeKoo Department of Health Qld Health Department

Barbara Norman Department of Urban Services Consultant, Canberra

Michael Szwarcbord Department of Health NSW Dept. of Community Serv.

Michael White Department of Education and Training Dept. of Community Health

Jane Wolfe Department of Urban Services Cth. Aust. Govt. Survey Office

Michael Wright Department of Urban Services Cth. Dept. of Admin. Services

Services, Tasmania

(6) In relation to SES Officers who have not been offered SES/Executive Officer contracts within the ACT Public Service, what services are being provided to (a) relocate; (b) retrain them; and (c) at what cost.and

The legislation provides four options. (i) direct placement (ii) successful application following advertisement (iii) retirement with special benefit and (iv) transfer to an office.

Co-ordination mechanisms are available through the Office of Public Administration and Management whereby counselling programs are made known to other agencies. Financial assistance is available for the counselling process and amounts of up to $300 are made available for assistance for the preparation of contracts. There is additional counselling available particularly if individuals choose to opt for retirement with special benefit. Career transitional counselling assistance is also available.

These amounts vary on a case by case basis but could be in the order of about $2 000.

(7) How many unplaced SES/Executive Officers have been offered jobs within the ACT Public Service at the (a) SOG B level; or (b) SOG A Level.

At this time, none have been placed at either the SOG B or SOG A levels.

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