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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 9 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2857 ..

Office Salary Occupant Direct Interviews Term in Placement Years

Canberra Hospital

Chief Executive $137 000 A Hughes Xto be finalised

General Manager $113 000 Vacant X

Senior Medical Executive $113 000 Vacant X

Senior Nursing Executive $ 92 000 Vacant X

Director $ 84 000 Vacant X


Department of Business, the Arts, Sport and Tourism

Chief Executive $132 000 M Baker X 5

Canberra Theatre Trust

General Manager $ 92 000 D Lawrance to be finalised

Sport, Recreation and Racing

General Manager $ 92 000 Vacant X

Canberra Tourism

Chief Executive Officer $ 84 000 Vacant X

Bureau of Arts and Heritage

General Manager $ 76 000 H Elvin to be finalised

Operations Branch, Totalcare Industries

General Manager $ 76 000 Vacant

Finance and Corporate Services

General Manager $ 92 000 Vacant X

Business Development and Marketing

General Manager $ 84 000 Vacant X

Business Policy

General Manager $ 76 000 Vacant X

Land Development

Assistant Secretary $ 76 000 H Sommer to be finalised

Department of Urban Services

Chief Executive $161 000 J Turner X 5

Works and Commercial Services

Executive Director $113 000 B Dockrill X 5

Commercial Services

Director $ 84 000 M Wright X 5

Construction and Maintenance

Director $ 92 000 M Sullivan X 5

Policy and Programming

Director $ 76 000 Vacant X

City Services

Executive Director $113 000 R Read X 5

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