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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 9 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2854 ..

(f) which officers at the SES level were unattached.

Chief Minister's Department

C Eccles - SES Band 1

Department of Business, the Arts, Sport and Tourism

R Smeed - SES Band 1

Department of Education and Training

M Sawatzki - SES Band 2

D Francis - SES Band 1

(2) Could a copy of the Cullen Egan and Dell Report be provided to each Member of the Assembly

A copy of the Report is available to interested Members who can obtain a copy by contacting Simon Latimer in my office.

(3) What was the total cost of the Cullen Egan and Dell Report, namely:

(a) the amount paid to the consultants;

The cost of the initial CED review was $164 000. CED has also undertaken some additional work at agency request.

(b) the cost of SES involvement in the report, including;

(i) time spent by SES officers at interviews; and

(ii) time spent by SES officers completing survey forms.

It is not possible to respond with any detail as records were not kept. The amount of time by individual officers varied. However, it would seem feasible that the completion of the questionnaire took about 2 hours and the interview about one hour. In some cases there were short follow-up interviews. Chief Executives were provided with the opportunity to comment on proposed outcomes.

(4) As at I June 1996 in relation to the ACT Public Service:

(a) how many SES/Executive Officer positions existed in each agency;

(b) what was the salary attached to each of these SES/Executive Officer positions;

(c) which officers occupied the positions at both actual and substantive levels;

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