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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 9 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2791 ..

MRS CARNELL: He just cannot stand the fact that we have succeeded where he failed, Mr Speaker. Both hospitals got working on improved theatre practice, management of lists and staff resourcing.

The result of all this has been quite remarkable. There are now clear policies in place so that all staff know exactly what is expected of them. We now have more theatre nurses, which has enabled us to open more operating suites. We are doing more surgery than ever before. In fact, there were 1,200 more operations over the last 12 months than in the previous year. Management is working with VMOs at both hospitals to better prioritise patients and minimise waiting times for more urgent categories. Most importantly, a real sense of teamwork has been built up among staff. Mr Berry, I am sure, would have been very pleased to see the level of teamwork at the hospital today.

Mr Speaker, at the end of July 1996, the waiting list had fallen to 3,625 - a reduction of 944 or 21 per cent since this Government came to office. It represents the lowest waiting list figure since November 1993 and it fulfils our election promise. Mr Speaker, it fulfils our election promise to reduce the list by 20 per cent in this term of office. We promised that. We promised, Mr Speaker, to reduce the waiting list in this term - that is, in three years - by 20 per cent or 900. Mr Speaker, that has been achieved inside 18 months. Certainly, there is still a long way to go before we are satisfied with the length and the management - - -

Mr Berry: Cardio-thoracic unit; 50 beds; a $30m cut.


MRS CARNELL: Mr Berry just cannot stand having failed. That is really what it comes down to, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Continue, and ignore the interjections.

MRS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, it is very hard to speak in this racket. Certainly, Mr Speaker, we have a long way to go before we can be satisfied with the length and the management of our waiting lists in Canberra, but this Government and the staff of Canberra and Calvary hospitals have taken some massive steps towards better and more responsive care for patients in this area. There will always be waits for surgery - sometimes long waiting periods - but the evidence is mounting that we are starting to get on top of the problem. I hope that other members of the Assembly will join with me in saying "Well done" to all the people who work in our wards and in our theatres.

Mr Speaker, earlier this week Mr Whitecross told the Canberra Times that this was the Government's worst ever week on record. As this is the week that we signed a partnership with Unisys leading to up to 1,000 job opportunities, and the week that we now have the lowest waiting list in almost three years, Mr Speaker, all I can say is that I hope we have more bad weeks.

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