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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 9 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2783 ..

Ms Follett: I think they might have written to you.

Ms Reilly: That is not what they say.

MR SPEAKER: I call Mr Moore.

MS REILLY: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Order! In that case, you rise to your feet. I do not take it for granted that you are going to ask a supplementary question.

MS REILLY: I did move to. Unfortunately, I got caught in the crossfire.

MR SPEAKER: You should ignore those things because, as you know, interjections are out of order. Ask your supplementary question.

MS REILLY: As Ms Follett said, the Rape Crisis Centre has written to you about the funding. You used the tenth birthday of the Rape Crisis Centre as a photo opportunity. Are you now - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Are you asking whether she used it as a photo opportunity or not? If not, it is not a supplementary question.

MS REILLY: Are you now going to organise another photo opportunity so that the media can photograph you smiling and boasting about how you saved a few dollars in funding essential for the Rape Crisis Centre?

MRS CARNELL: I went to the tenth anniversary because they asked me. Mr Speaker, in 1995-96 the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre received, I think, $39,555 for their after-hours service.

Mr Stefaniak: It is $40,000 now.

MRS CARNELL: It is $40,000 now. We have given them a grant of $40,000 for this year, which seems to me, under the current economic circumstances, a pretty good deal, Mr Speaker. It is an increase in funding from last year. The Canberra Rape Crisis Centre will also receive $177,516 in 1996-97 from the supported accommodation assistance program, SAAP. That is how they operate their 9.00 am to 5.00 pm service. So, for their 9.00 am to 5.00 pm service they get $177,516; for their after-hours service this year they have an increase. Last year it was $39,000; this year it is $40,000, Mr Speaker.

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