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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 9 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2760 ..

MS FOLLETT (continuing):

Mr Speaker, I do not believe that we are yet at the bottom of this matter. I do believe that, in moving now to allow the issue to be fully investigated by the Planning and Environment Committee, we can give to both sides of the argument the benefit of a further and public airing of the issues. Mr Speaker, as a final word on the matter, I might just say that one of my constituents has said to me that the residents feel most aggrieved because the Assembly or the Government has been able to move an entire town centre, in the interests of protecting the habitat of the legless lizard. Why now is it not prepared to move a yet to be constructed road just a short distance, in the interests of protecting the habitat of the residents of Macedon Crescent? I thought it was a very good point, Mr Speaker. I can see that you think it was a very good point as well.

Mr Speaker, I believe that, on this occasion, the very least that has happened is that there has been a failure of consultation and perhaps a misunderstanding about where this road was to go. But I believe that we must halt action on it now. We must have an open and thorough investigation into what is the best outcome in these circumstances. I know, Mr Speaker, that the Government will accuse me now of holding up capital works, denying jobs and so on. I believe, however, that the interests of the residents - my constituents in Palmerston - should outweigh those considerations. I also believe that, when you look at the totality of the capital works that the Government itself has not proceeded with, this is but a drop in the ocean.

The fact of the matter is that the Government's own capital outlays are $41.6m under budget - and that was even before I raised the issue of Nudurr Drive. So, Mr Speaker, I believe that the Assembly ought to say, "Mistakes have been made". There has clearly not been a proper response by the Government to elected representatives of the people of Palmerston. There has clearly been a failure of consultation. The Minister himself has admitted that. It is time now to step back, cease action, have a look at it and see whether we cannot come with up with a solution that suits everybody, but most especially the constituents whom I represent. I realise, Mr Speaker, that the constituents have now received, very late, some notification from Mr De Domenico and from the Planning Authority - one document dated 23 August and one dated 26 August - advising them that the points that they have made will not be taken up in the construction of Nudurr Drive. I believe that that is not a fair response to those residents. I am now giving the Government and the Assembly, through its committee process, an opportunity to address the real concerns of those residents.

Mr Speaker, as I said, I believe that there has been a chapter of accidents in the Government's handling of this whole matter. I think that the Government ought to be big enough to admit that that is the case and now, at this very late date - some three months after the matter was raised - give the Assembly an opportunity to thoroughly review it.

MR SPEAKER: Order! The member's time has expired.

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