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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2559 ..

Planning guidelines

The Committee has raised concerns about lease purpose clauses in the ACT. Like a number of other parties in recent years the Committee notes the difficulty under current lease use regulations to place objections in the way of enterprises which may seek to use a premise for a purpose which may be considered by nearby traders or residents to be detrimental to the wider safety interests of the community.

Firstly, let me point out to Members that the Liquor Board is already able to consider complaints concerning the loss of amenity caused by existing liquor licensed establishments.

The Government's response to the Board of Inquiry of ACT Leasehold supports the Board's recommendation that third party appeal rights should be available to adjoining lessees who lodge objections to a particular proposal. This recognises the direct impact of planning and land management decisions on these parties. The AAT Act, which will apply to planning and leasing appeals, allows other persons to be joined as parties. This latter process would be open to persons who lodge objections and can show their interests are affected substantially and adversely.

These proposals to open up the consultation and appeals process should go a long way to addressing the Community Safety Committee's recommendation to allow more community input into decision making.

To conclude, Mr Speaker, the work on the Manuka by Night reference represents a fine example of government and community collaboration in identifying and addressing community concerns about crime and safety.

On behalf of the Government and the wider community I would like to congratulate and thank the ACT Community Safety Committee for its


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