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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2552 ..

I wish to table before the Assembly the Manuka by Night Implementation Report. This Implementation Report outlines the Government's response to the ACT Community Safety Committee's Manuka by Night report.

Members will recall that the Committee was tasked by the previous Attorney-General, Mr Terry Connolly, with reviewing and reporting on the problems concerning the alcohol-related crime and anti social behaviour in the Manuka area, and establishing a community based crime prevention program, or programs, to address the identified problems.

The Committee presented its final report to me on the 8 November 1995, and it was made public at that time.

I commend again the work of Mr Ken Begg and his Committee, and, in particular, commend the extensive consultation undertaken with community representatives and government agencies.

The Committee noted a range of crime and safety issues including:

. An increase in disturbance and drunkenness incidents, as reported to, or by, police, occurring in the precincts of the Manuka business centre;

. Comparatively fewer assaults, as reported to, or by, police, occurring in the immediate precincts of the business centre;

. Vandalism of and around homes and businesses;

. Underage and youth drinking with associated anti-social activities, though this seems to be principally a concern in the warmer months;

. Trespass of intoxicated pedestrians on residents' properties;

. Noise experienced by residents from music in clubs, revving cars, and intoxicated pedestrians on the way home or to parked cars; and

. Higher levels of fear among the older population.

The Committee's recommendations are far ranging. I shall now address the Government's response to these.


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