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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2539 ..

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Owners of infected hives disinfect or destroy the infected hives at their own expense. It is anticipated that this situation would continue for endemic diseases.

Exotic diseases, if ever introduced accidentally into Australia and the ACT, could pose a major threat to commercial apiarists. In this unlikely event, mass hive destruction may be necessary and compensation could be required. The same situation applies for diseases of sheep, cattle and other stock.

It is not proposed to require compulsory registration of hives, as the potential benefits do not warrant the cost of such a scheme. The Beekeepers Association of the ACT will be encouraged to maintain a list of hive owners and the Department will communicate with them through the Association's newsletter.

The Animal Diseases (Amendment) Bill 1996 provides an opportunity to modernise dated legislation with no significant change in policy.

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