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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2520 ..


an indicator of intoxication as a result of the consumption of liquor for the purpose of the offence.

This issue has proven particularly problematical and while everybody is able to tell what intoxication is if they see it, it is more difficult to ascribe a series of words to clearly define the phenomenon. We will be closely monitoring the outcome of the change to section 79 to ensure that it is achieving a balanced, fair and appropriate outcome.

Mr Speaker, this package of amendments was outlined in the Ministerial Statement delivered to the Assembly in December 1995. In that Statement I also announced the establishment of a strategic alliance between the police and the liquor licensing inspectorate in a joint policing and enforcement strategy aimed at the activities of licensed premises. I am pleased to advise that early indications are that the alliance between police and the liquor licensing inspectorate has been successful with an increase in the level of surveillance of licensed premises resulting in a number of licensees appearing before the Liquor Licensing Board. Whilst it is still early days I expect this strategy will result in higher levels of compliance by licensees with liquor laws. I believe the package of amendments contained in the Bill and the increasing focus on law enforcement fostered by the strategic alliance will further enhance the Government's objective to encourage the responsible sale and consumption of liquor.

I commend this Bill to the Assembly.

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