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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2465 ..

7. The number of members of the public attending Meet the Minister sessions is given in Table 1 of Attachment A.

The numbers represent the number of people actually spoken to. Due to time contraints it is not always possible to see all the people who wish to speak to the Minister. Constituents who do not receive an appointment are encouraged to follow up their concerns with the Ministers' Offices.

8. a) The issues raised are listed at Table 2 of Attachment A.

b) Issues raised are dealt with in the following ways:

. answered at the time;

. acknowledgment letter sent & response prepared;

. arrangement of meeting with departmental officer/s;

. referral to the relevant department for response/action;

. attendance by Minister at community meeting/s;

. referral to the relevant Minister for subsequent referral to the appropriate department; &

. comments noted and referred (relating to program or policy issues)

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