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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2455 ..

experimental pesticides used on the experimental station, that all pesticides used were for normal flock management purposes and were commercially available at the time they were used.
(b) the CSU was unable to establish the exact nature of the pesticides used but adopted a precautionary approach and looked for all pesticide compounds that might have been used, ie. arsenic based pesticides and cyclodyene organochlorine pesticides.

(4) (a) yes
(b) there are plans to conduct further testing in Downer to investigate a small site, before it is changed to a more sensitive landuse, which had a potentially contaminating activity on it but which was subsequent to and not related to the CSIRO.

(5) (a) the sheep dip site at Downer was investigated, including sampling and analysis of the samples, in January 1996. The sampling program included properties close to the location of the sheep dip and extended to properties which were up to eighty five metres from the sheep dip.
(b) the investigation, including the sampling, was carried out on behalf of the Contaminated Sites Unit by the consultant AGC Woodward Clyde Pty Limited
(c) arsenic based pesticides and cyclodyene organochlorine pesticides
(d) based on the analytical test results and the absence of any arsenic or organochlorine pesticide concentrations approaching the ANZECC/NHMRC health based investigation guidelines, an assessment of the site specific human health risks was not warranted. The assessment of risks to the environment was not considered significant because of the absence of sensitive receptors and the limited arsenic concentrations recorded above the ANZECC environmental investigation guidelines.

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