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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2294 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):

Ms Follett said that, clearly, someone has plans to change the current use of the Park and it is about time that local residents were let in on the secret.

Mr Speaker, there are plans for Rugby League Park - not the Government's plans - - -

Ms Follett: You just have not told anyone what they are - exactly as I said.

MR HUMPHRIES: Not exactly, Ms Follett. We cleverly secreted these plans onto the front page of the Canberra Times of 1 February this year. An article appeared in the Canberra Times on that day, on page 1, which fully described what the plans are. Under the heading, "Wrangle over use of RL Park near end: Humphries", it said:

Under the preliminary proposal, the ACT Rugby League would surrender its lease to the Government to be split into two leases. The ACT Leagues Club would receive the southern end of the block, with the club building and the CDRL (the Raiders organisation) would get the oval for training and minor-league games. It could not build a club-house on its portion but could build such things as changing rooms and extend the grandstand.

So, Mr Speaker, here is the secret agenda, on the front page of the Canberra Times.

Ms Follett: When I asked you the question on notice, why did you not say that?

MR HUMPHRIES: You did not ask me - - -

Ms Follett: I certainly did.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, to take the interjection - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! The question was asked by Mr Kaine, and Mr Humphries is answering Mr Kaine.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, Ms Follett did not ask me any question on notice. Ms McRae asked me a question. Your memory is failing you very badly lately, Ms Follett. I would get that checked, if I were you. Ms McRae asked me a question on notice in which she asked about the status of the lease, the lease being subdivided and a variation of the lease purpose being sought.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, Mr Humphries's smart-alec personal imputations do not add much class to the debate here, and I would ask him to withdraw the imputation and the Humphries's cheap shot at Ms Follett.

MR SPEAKER: Were you offended, Ms Follett?

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