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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2258 ..

MS HORODNY: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Ms McRae, there is a shop in Emu Ridge. It closed down because you did nothing to prevent it closing down.

Ms McRae: Because I did not shop there. Did you shop there?

MS HORODNY: Ms McRae, that shop closed down because the ALP Government, in the last Assembly, did nothing, absolutely nothing. You just threw your hands up in the air and said "Um, what can we do? There is nothing we can do". I am wrapping up, Mr Speaker.

Mr De Domenico: Keep going, Lucy.

MS HORODNY: Thank you, Mr De Domenico. Ms McRae says that the Greens are fobbing this off to the committee. Well, for heaven's sake; I understood that there was great respect in this Assembly for committees and the work that they do.

Mr Berry: But not for wobbly politicians. You are going wobbly, Lucy.

MS HORODNY: Why are we fobbing it off? Why is it being fobbed off? I do not understand that expression at all. We are not going wobbly. We are not going back on supporting the proposal of the Liberals. We are supporting that proposal. We have said time and time again, and the Liberals know very well - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! The member's time has expired.

MS HORODNY: I seek a very short extension.

MR SPEAKER: Is leave granted?

Mr Berry: No, it is not.

MS HORODNY: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I have lost my train of thought.

Mr Berry: No, it is not granted. We have limited time.

MS HORODNY: We have great respect in this Assembly for committees and committee work - - -

MR SPEAKER: I am sorry.

Mr Berry: We have only until 12.30 pm and it cuts out automatically.

Mr De Domenico: We can go to 12.35 pm if you like. You cannot just say - - -

Mr Hird: She is just about finished anyway.

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