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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (26 June) . . Page.. 2181 ..

Mr Wood: It is hard to get hold of.

MR DE DOMENICO: Mr Wood, let me know and I will give you a copy. Just ring up and ask for one and I will give you a copy. The review found that within existing resources the ACT Library Service has the potential to become one of the best library services in the country. That is what the report said. Mr Whitecross might not agree with that, but I am very proud of the fact that it took this Government to commission the report. The report tells us that within existing resources we have the potential to be the best library service in the country. That is fantastic. Mr Speaker, this report shows that library costs were not contained by previous administrations and that every Canberra citizen is paying an extra $5.50 for library services compared to taxpayers in similar areas. What this report is telling us is that there was maladministration by the previous Government, but Mr Whitecross does not talk about that.

Members should also be aware that less than half of our population presently use the library system. This is a clear indication that past governments have not bothered to ask the question: What do consumers want from their public library service? Mr Whitecross's comments today would seem to indicate that he is not keen for us to ask this question now either. Mr Speaker, we will ask that question. We have asked that question. The review has recommended the need for changes in spending so that more money is allocated to buying books and providing information. Further, the review advised that opening hours should be tailored to the public's needs and should maximise use of the Library Service. What a great mortal sin that is, telling us that we should open libraries at the time that people who want to use them want them to be open! What a cardinal sin that is!

The consultant makes a number of recommendations about how he can achieve this. I say once again that it is a consultant's report making recommendations. It is out for public consultation. How can we achieve this? These recommendations will be considered, I stress at this point, Mr Whitecross, in the context of comments from the public and the staff - and from you, Mr Whitecross, if you care to make a submission based on the report. Do not come into this place and try to play politics with it, but if you want to make an education submission we would be delighted to hear from you. The Government will also be undertaking - - -

Ms McRae: Fancy a politician using a political forum! How strange, Mr Whitecross!

MR DE DOMENICO: Ms McRae is back. Welcome back. The Government and I are delighted that Ms McRae is interested in this matter of public importance as well. The Government will also be undertaking a survey of Canberrans as a means of gauging the best possible view about what the community wants in terms of opening hours, facilities and materials. Recent public comment relating to the opening hours of Civic and Kippax libraries will be considered along with all other community and staff comments.

I again stress that the consultant's proposed approximate hours and some specific recommendations for each branch library will need to be examined further in the context of community needs before final decisions are made. Once again, there will be consultation. That is what it is all about, is it not? I hear no response from those opposite. You will note, Mr Speaker, that this Government has released the

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