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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 7 Hansard (18 June) . . Page.. 1794 ..

MS REILLY (continuing):

It also says that assistance is provided equitably. That is also a word that seems to have failed to make its way into these amendments. It says that assistance is provided on a non-discriminatory basis. That also is a very positive thing within the Commonwealth's statement, to which we assume the ACT will be a signatory. It would have been good if it had also been put into the objects of the amendments, because that would have given the opportunity for the community to see, and to have spelt out, what the Government's commitment is to housing provision in the ACT. The Commonwealth draft agreement goes on to set out other things that are essential, and some of these are considered within the objects that are in the Bill. There is a very broad statement in the proposed amendments which says:

... to maximise the opportunities for everyone in the Territory to have access to housing which is affordable, secure and appropriate to their needs;

I think it would have been helpful for all if this had been spelt out in a little more detail. Then we have statements about how you can have access. The next object is:

... to facilitate the provision of housing assistance for those most in need;

That is extremely commendable, and I would not suggest in any way that it should be changed; but it would have been useful to have a little more detail. It would have been useful to mention the consumers who are going to use the housing that is provided.

As part of the new system, there is no detail of some of the programs that are going to be done. I think there are some positive parts about giving the opportunity for more flexible provision at the State level. There is a statement there about further development of community housing, which is very pleasing. I understand that community housing people are pleased that it will be mentioned, but they are concerned about the fact that the Commonwealth is now untying provision to community housing. I am hopeful that the fact that community housing does rate a special mention in this amendment Bill is an indication that this ACT Government is still committed, and will continue to be committed, to community housing. This is important.

There is another group who also have needs for housing but have not been mentioned, and that is the homeless. If you consider the draft Bill, they are mentioned as a specific group that needs housing. It would have been good if the ACT Government could have felt that they could include them as a special group within this housing assistance. I am sure that the Government is committed to continuing to provide housing and to assist people who are homeless or who have trouble with finding adequate housing, but it comes back to explicitly making some of these statements. It also would have been useful to include outcome measures, which is also in the draft agreement. There seemed to be a reluctance to take account of what was in that draft agreement. Obviously, the strategic plans, put together through, I admit, much consultation, will have some of these outcomes that are going to be provided by the ACT Housing Trust and people providing housing in the ACT; but it would have been useful to have some mention of the sorts of outcome measures that the Government might be considering in working out what housing they are going to give to people who require it.

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