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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 7 Hansard (18 June) . . Page.. 1781 ..

MR KAINE (continuing):

What we witnessed in the last couple of days was a group of young men doing what they were trained to do, knowing that what they were doing was risky. They were training because they knew that at some time in the future they may have to do that very thing in the defence of this country. They knew the risks. It does not help the outcome; but people in our defence services do these things willingly, and it is only when something like this occurs that the inherent danger in what they do comes home to those of us who do not engage in it. I think it is a sad thing that these people do these things day after day, year after year, and very often get no thanks whatsoever for it. It is not even acknowledged that what they do is hazardous, and it is rarely acknowledged that they do it in the interests of the community.

I think today we need to do more than simply acknowledge the loss of those fine young people and the impact of that on their families and on the community in which they have lived and worked. The trauma of that will not be quickly erased. I think it is time for us to recognise also that there are thousands of others doing similar things, not every day of their lives but frequently, as part of their training for the defence of this nation. I join in the sentiments of this motion and express my condolences to the bereaved families and friends of those who died and to those who survived but with considerable trauma; but we should also have a thought for all of those other young people who daily hazard their lives in a similar occupation.

Question resolved in the affirmative, members standing in their places.


The Clerk: The following petitions have been lodged for presentation:

By Mr Hird, from 25 residents, requesting that the lease and development application for the community sporting facilities in McKellar be approved.

By Mr Humphries, from 1,104 residents, requesting that the Assembly approve the proposed four-week trial of a jet ski operation on the south arm of Lake Tuggeranong.

By Mr Humphries, from 236 residents, requesting that the Assembly not approve the proposed four-week trial of a jet ski operation on the south arm of Lake Tuggeranong.

The terms of these petitions will be recorded in Hansard and a copy referred to the appropriate Minister.

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