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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 6 Hansard (23 May) . . Page.. 1732 ..

Clauses 21 to 30, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

Proposed new Division 3

Amendment (by Ms Tucker) put:

Page 15, line 8, after section 30 insert the following new Division in Part III:

"Division 3 - Environmental accounts

Annual environmental accounts

30A. (1) In this section -

`natural assets' includes water, land, subsoil assets, forests and biodiversity.

(2) The Treasurer shall, as soon as practicable after the end of a financial year, prepare annual environmental accounts for the Territory for that year.

(3) Annual environmental accounts shall be prepared in a form determined by the Treasurer after consultation with the Commissioner for the Environment and shall include -

(a) a statement of the stocks of the natural assets of the Territory at the commencement of the year, the changes in those stocks during the year and the principal reasons for those changes;

(b) a statement of the material and energy flows into the Territory during the year and the principal reasons for those flows;

(c) a statement of the material and energy flows within the Territory during the year and the principal reasons for those flows;

(d) a statement of the waste and emission outflows from the Territory during the year and the principal reasons for those outflows; and

(e) such other statements as are necessary to fairly reflect any major changes in the natural assets of the Territory during the year.

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