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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 6 Hansard (23 May) . . Page.. 1714 ..

MS TUCKER (continuing):

the following matters shall, where relevant, be taken into account:

(d) government legislation and policies relating to ecologically sustainable development;

(e) social welfare and equity considerations, including community service obligations;

(f) government legislation and policies relating to matters such as occupational health and safety ...;

(g) economic and regional development ...;

(h) the interests of consumers generally or of a class of consumers -

not just customers. I made this point yesterday. We have an agreement, which is why we have grave concern in the community about the very narrow focus your Government has taken. Mr Kaine took that approach in the committee, to begin with. He was saying, "All these people are coming to talk to us about things that are not really relevant", but he did listen with interest. I think he understood, in the end, that the community has real concerns and they have not had an opportunity to speak about those concerns. And now they have no access to you. They have no way of advising you on how they think competitive tendering, how they think outsourcing, how they think the development of CSOs - - -

Mr De Domenico: With respect, the majority of the community do not care, Ms Tucker.

MS TUCKER: I am sorry; there are people in the community who do care, and they have made some very in-depth submissions to this committee and further in-depth responses to your response. This is about accountability, and I am not quite sure why you are so concerned about it. It makes it even more important.

Mr Humphries was concerned about our using an academic representative, which is an extremely petty thing to pick on in this discussion.

Mr Humphries: No; academic organisation.

MS TUCKER: Yes, I know - academic organisation.

Mr De Domenico: Which one?

MS TUCKER: If you look at the motion you will see that these people are nominated after consultation with the whole Assembly. The obvious reason why we would put that in is that we want to see broad representation on this committee.

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