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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 6 Hansard (22 May) . . Page.. 1599 ..

MS HORODNY (continuing):

I have been told that Mr Osborne also is in support of this motion and he also is very disappointed that the Labor and Liberal parties are both paying lip-service to small business. He asked that that message be conveyed in my speech. There have been a few - - -

Mrs Carnell: Could you apologise to Gowrie's supermarket?

MS HORODNY: I am coming to that now. The Gowrie supermarket is not the Gowrie supermarket in the suburb of Gowrie. It is the supermarket that services the Gowrie Hostel. It is called the Gowrie Supermarket. It is in Lowanna Street in Braddon, just next to Northbourne Avenue. Does it really matter, Mr De Domenico, whether it is a supermarket down there or a supermarket on this side of town?

Mr De Domenico: It does matter, because the guy who owns the Gowrie supermarket is a bit concerned. He nearly had a heart attack.


MS HORODNY: Does it really matter? We are talking about two supermarkets in the ACT that have closed down just this week.

I would like to go over some of the things that members in this house have spoken about. Mr De Domenico says that the Government is coming up with a long-term strategy. I am very much looking forward to having a look at that. I hope that it is a real solution and not like your truck parking solution, which was indeed a Clayton's solution to the problem.

Mr De Domenico: That is a matter of opinion, Ms Horodny.


Mr De Domenico: You might not like it. It probably is pretty good if you do not like it.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr De Domenico!

MS HORODNY: I am also very happy to table the motion I have here which Mrs Carnell tried to put up in November 1994.

Mrs Carnell: Read it out.

MS HORODNY: It says:

That a moratorium immediately be instituted to ensure that proposed extensions to the Hyperdome and other retail sites in the immediate area are not proceeded with until a full analysis of the social and commercial needs of the Tuggeranong Valley is completed.

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