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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 5 (Hansard) 16 May) . . Page.. 1429 ..

CLIENT 1994/95 1995/96
$ $

Inanna Inc 108 000 75 000

Kidsafe- the Child Accident N/A 20 000
Prevention Foundation

Mental Health Foundation ACT 50 000 N/A

Mental Health Resource (ACT) Inc N/A 60 000

Multiple Sclerosis Society N/A 16 000

Noah's Ark Canberra Inc 17 500 8.7500

Nursing Mother's Association of 8 500 10 000
Australia ACT

O'Connor Family Centre Inc N/A 5 000

Post Natal Depression Support 4 500 2 000
Group (ACT) Inc

Pregnancy Advisory Service (FPA) 50 000 17 500

Pregnancy Support Service (ACT) 9 000 9 000

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Service 75 600 58 000

Richmond Fellowship of the ACT 66 300 75 000

Self-Help for Postnatal Depression 4 500 N/A
(now EXPAND)

Torture Rehabilitation and 48 000 48 000
Network Service ACT Inc

Woden Community Service Inc 10 000 15 500

TOTAL $795 908 $832 544

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