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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 5 (Hansard) 16 May) . . Page.. 1388 ..

MS HORODNY (continuing):

There is also an anomaly, Mr De Domenico. If you run a truck business from your home you are not allowed to park in your driveway or on the street. It is only if you are an employee or if you run your business from Fyshwick or one of the other industrial areas that you are allowed to park in your driveway or on the street. So there is a huge anomaly there already.

Mr De Domenico: That is not true.

MS HORODNY: That is absolutely true.

Mr De Domenico: No, it is not.

MS HORODNY: If you look at the Territory Plan you will find that that is absolutely true. In the motion that I put up yesterday one of the proposals that we are putting forward is that the Territory Plan be amended so that, under strict guidelines, some trucks can continue to park in residential areas, and they are trucks of between 31/2 and 12 tonnes.

You talk about visual impact and how you are going to introduce strict siting controls. In all of these things that you say that you are going to do I have not heard how you are going to enforce any of these measures. We spoke to your bureaucrats yesterday. They came and gave us a run-down on this. I already knew what your proposal was from last week when you had the media conference. Nowhere have you said - indeed, your bureaucrats were not able to clarify it either - how you intend to enforce these things. Again you are asking neighbours to ring the police or to ring the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. It is not part of the job of the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to look at issues like landscaping and all these sorts of things. That clearly is a planning issue. You seem to be very confused about what issues come under planning laws and what issues come strictly under the Registrar of Motor Vehicles.

You are pitting neighbour against neighbour. Why do we have to continue to do this? Why are we asking whole neighbourhoods to provide security for trucks and to put up with the visual disturbance and the noise disturbance that these trucks cause? We are talking about huge, noisy, smelly and disturbing trucks that are continuing to be parked in our neighbourhoods. They are also dangerous, I might add. We are talking about huge trucks. I think you have not been responsible by making a whole lot of hoo-ha about nothing. What have you actually done? You have not changed anything. You are expecting the community and the neighbourhoods to bear the cost of this, instead of making a difficult political decision. That is very typical of you, Mr De Domenico.

You say that amending the Noise Control Act to cover the noise emitted from motor vehicles when entering and leaving premises would appear to be in direct conflict with national agreements and legislation models regarding motor vehicle noise and its place in the law. That again is not true, Mr De Domenico.

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