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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 5 (Hansard) 16 May) . . Page.. 1382 ..

MR DE (continuing):

the golden sun moth, be preserved. Another significant consideration was the desire of the community for the town centre to provide a human focus and opportunity for the community development, social and cultural activities by all Gungahlin residents. The Government intends to deliver what the community wants.

Significantly, Mr Speaker, the development of Gungahlin provides the opportunity for all Canberrans to review the way town centres and community amenities are developed, not only to meet the needs of a growing population but also to enhance its lifestyle in a modern urban setting. The Gungahlin Town Centre is based on a non-mall model and will have the qualities of an urban village which has an integrated mix of land uses, including higher-density housing, retail, commercial and community facilities. It will not be the kind of town centre that is dominated by a large, single retail structure with a number of retail outlets within it.

The successful implementation of the plan for a town centre somewhat out of the ordinary requires an innovative method of guiding, fostering and administering the development process which is also capable of incorporating significant but appropriate community input. Mr Speaker, the Government intends to establish a Gungahlin Development Authority as canvassed in the background papers to the Territory Plan variation for the town centre and central area.

As a first step, we have established an interim Gungahlin Development Board. This board brings together a rare mix of private and public sector expertise, the like of which has not previously been involved in Canberra's development. The names of the board members are included in an attachment to this statement. The board is responsible for advising the Government on the operations of a permanent authority, the initial release of sites for stage one of the town centre, the general administration and implementation of development in the central area of Gungahlin, the continuing consultation with the public regarding the development of the central area, and the coordination of various agencies of government regarding the development of the central area.

Mr Speaker, since the Government convened the Interim Gungahlin Development Board in March this year, the board has made substantial progress towards the commencement of construction of the town centre. The board will call for expressions of interest for stage 1A of the town centre in late May or early June. The development is expected to comprise, at a minimum, a supermarket, a main street with specialty retail and commercial space on the ground floor, office commercial on the first floor, and residential on the second and third floors. Infrastructure such as roads and car parks will also be provided and community sites serviced. The first stage will be open by the end of 1997. In June the board will also call for expressions of interest for the club site, enclosed oval and associated recreational facilities to be located at the entrance to the town centre. It is hoped that the first of these facilities will also be open by the end of 1997.

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