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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 5 Hansard (15 May) . . Page.. 1296 ..
MRS CARNELL (Chief Minister): Mr Speaker, I table the letter that was referred to yesterday.
Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, on the basis that Mrs Carnell has tabled letters - - -
MR SPEAKER: Is this a point of order, Mr Berry?
Mr Berry: I will speak in support of the motion. I will speak to my motion, Mr Speaker. I am the only person who can really speak.
MR SPEAKER: You will have to move the motion. So far, all we have voted on is the suspension of standing orders.
MR BERRY (3.41): Mr Speaker, I move:
That Mrs Carnell (Chief Minister) be required to table letters she referred to at page 61 of the proof Hansard yesterday.
Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, surely since the Minister has already performed the action that the member is seeking, his motion is out of order.
MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, if I may speak to the point of order, the fact of the matter is that standing orders have been suspended to allow a certain course of action in this chamber, and that is all that can happen. I have moved the motion. I am prepared to withdraw it on the basis that the documents Mrs Carnell claims to be the letters she referred to yesterday have been tabled.
Motion, by leave, withdrawn.
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