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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 5 Hansard (15 May) . . Page.. 1269 ..

MR BERRY (continuing):

I pause for a moment. We have a couple of Liberals who say that they represent the people of Belconnen. When Labor was in office a community consultation process started with the Kippax Task Force to develop a plan for Kippax. What is going to happen now? It will be September this year before anything is done by this Government opposite, despite all of the promises.

Mr De Domenico: What did you do at Kippax in five years?

MR BERRY: Labor got the runs on the board. We got the community consultation program going and the community involved. The Liberals took office shortly thereafter and did nothing. They have had to have their arms screwed up their backs all the way along to ensure that they would do something.

My attention is drawn to the fact that they have cleaned up a couple of things out there in the electorate. They closed down a health centre and bulldozed it. That was really good stuff! Did you promise that one as well? The pile of rubble that was left behind is another example of the gift to the community from the Liberal Party.

Mrs Carnell: Do you know where it is?

MR BERRY: What a joke! Mrs Carnell said, "Do you know where it is?". I know where it is not. It is not at Melba, where it was before you came to office, and it is not a health centre anymore. Let us stop kidding ourselves.

Mr Hird: What happened to Charnwood? You said that that was going to get knocked over too.

MR BERRY: I am glad that Mr Hird raises the issue of Charnwood High School. This is the fellow who stood on a policy of, "We will not close a school unless the community agrees". The community said no and they closed it.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Relevance to the motion.

MR BERRY: Abandonment of promises is something that they are well skilled at. Mr Speaker, this range of initiatives which could proceed would assist this Government in addressing the unemployment problem which it has created. For the whole period of the Carnell Government we have seen spiralling unemployment. It has been on its way up for the whole period. There are 2,300 extra people unemployed in the ACT since Mrs Carnell came to office. What an outrageous position to sit over there and smugly smile about! What a joke - 2,300 extra people on the unemployment list in the ACT!

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