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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 4 Hansard (17 April) . . Page.. 977 ..

MR BERRY (continuing):

The biggest problem that has arisen from this incident, of course, has been the crisis resulting from the lack of confidence in our health system and in our professionals that work within the system. Mrs Carnell thus far has gone soft on the issue. After she was goaded into action, we had an inquiry set up by the Clinical Privileges Committee and one by the Medical Board. They cannot be considered to be independent.

Mr Humphries: That is a bit rough.

MR BERRY: No; and I make no bones about it. They are not independent of the profession that was involved in the issue. It has to be conducted by an independent person quite clear of the system. If there are matters of fraud, they are criminal matters and outside the professional investigation that I am seeking to have. Do not give me that sort of nonsense.

As I have said, we have become the laughing-stock of the country. Many members have had phone calls from those in the community concerned at what goes on at Woden Valley Hospital. They are all having a great old chuckle at our expense. Mr De Domenico, as the Minister responsible for tourism, might think that this is a boon to tourism; that people will be coming to see what is going on. No; they will not, because they would be fearful of being involved in some sort of medical crisis and ending up in a hospital where some animals had been treated.

I am not suggesting that this is a widespread incident at all. Nobody is. But the fact of the matter is that it has to be cleared up once and for all. It has to be cleared up decisively, and the only way that can be done in a way that will convince the community is if there is an independent inquiry. You can oppose this motion, Mrs Carnell, because you will be the one that will be embarrassed by the inquiry; but it is your management that is in question and it is the disregard that these doctors have had for the public hospital system and for your management that has resulted in their actions. It is your management that is being drawn into question here.

Mrs Carnell: Why do you not have that as one of the points on the list? It is not even in the motion.

MR BERRY: Have a look. Read the motion.

Mrs Carnell: I have. Where does it say "management of the Minister for Health"?


Mr Humphries: Which paragraph?

MR BERRY: "Any other relevant matter", Mr Humphries; have a look.

Angry and frightened constituents want some clear and independent answers on this issue. They will not accept the answers from the inquiries that Mrs Carnell claims will deal with the issue. This is an issue that has to be dealt with independently, and the community deserves an independent answer. The Government ought to be embarrassed about this issue because it is another sign of their absolutely dismal record on health management

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