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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 4 Hansard (18 April) . . Page.. 1141 ..

(4) No cost benefit analysis was undertaken because it was clear that the corporate restructure would enable CRA to remove a layer of companies in a cost effective way, thus reducing administrative costs and improving efficiency. The national and local economic benefits of corporate restructures are well recognised by the Commonwealth Government and all State and Territory Governments.

It was also clear that the transactions related to CRA Limited's ACT incorporated companies would not have gone ahead without the waiver of duty.

As outlined during my speech to the Assembly on 28 February 1996, the waiver of stamp duty has not affected the ACT's revenue base but has sent out a clear message to the private sector that the ACT is a place to incorporate and to carry out business transactions. This in turn will ensure continued economic growth for the ACT.

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