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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 4 Hansard (18 April) . . Page.. 1130 ..


(1) Please see Attachment A.

(2) (a)(b) Vacant premises by type and region - as at 18 April 1996:


FLATS 7 203 2 62

UNITS 3 15 - 10

HOUSES 55 56 45 64

(c) Length of vacancies:

37 premises vacant for less than a week

132 premises vacant for less than a month

150 premises vacant for less than 3 months

203 premises vacant for more than 3 months

This represents 4% of the total stock, however of these 233 premises represent the stock which has been deliberately excised from the current stock for our current major refurbishment/stock management program. For example, 115 Condamine Court units have been vacant for periods ranging from 1 to 7 months as part of the refurbishment program and approximately 70 other units, predominantly in North Canberra, have been held vacant to provide relocation choice for tenants of Condamine Court. Therefore the vacant tenantable properties is only 2% of ACT Housing properties.

It should also be noted that prospective tenants renting privately have to give up to one month's notice if they are vacating.

OF URBAN SERVICES Quality housing for all Canberrans

ACT Government

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